Friday on My Mind / Every Friday @ 5pm
Australian Centre for the Moving Image
Federation Square, Melbourne, Australia

Friday 30 March: Sue Maslin: Finally…The end of Producing as we know it!
Sue Maslin could be described as one of Australia’s best screen producers but that would totally undersell this
highly resourceful and innovative creator of content. Her 25 year career credits demonstrate not only her
remarkable dexterity as a screen practitioner but also her appetite for new technology which she has turned into
unique opportunities in running a production business.
Sue’s credits include two trans-media projects: Re-enchantment and Rekindling Venus; the multi award winning
feature film Japanese Story staring Toni Collette as well as a fascinating string of quality documentaries with
subjects spanning Sydney Opera House architect Jorn Utzon, Vanity Fair celebrity commentator Dominick
Dunne and Justice Michael Kirby – the first judge of a national constitutional court to come out as gay.
Sue will discuss working with film, TV, mobile phone and web based content and how she goes about producing
in completely different ways to meet future screen industry challenges.