Greg McLean post

Friday on My Mind / Every Friday @
Australian Centre for the Moving Image
Federation Square, Melbourne, Australia

Friday May 11: Greg McLean – Horrorfied: Taking horror to the limit one more time.
Greg McLean first got our attention with his debut feature film Wolf Creek, which, excuse the expression…
scared us shitless! It pushed the horror genre to levels we hadn’t seen for years and it did so with a confidence
and audacity you just had to admire. Made for less than $2 million, it sold for many more millions internationally
after its debut at Sundance. The Weinstein backed horror film Rogue followed soon after, continuing the theme
of an outback predator. Wolf Creek 2 is on its way. And in between Greg has also executive produced Red Hill
and recently completed thriller Crawlspace.

In his multifaceted roles as writer/director/producer and executive producer, Greg will candidly discuss the
lessons he’s learnt managing that vital shift from script development into first time production; maintaining
creative control and why he has set up a company to support first time directors and, curiously, the graphic novel
publishing arm; Diezel Punk.
Plus: Exclusive giveaway on the day!


Photography by Stormy Withers (life in digital 2012)